Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tim Burton Moleskine contest

The groovy folks at Moleskine have come up with the following contest: "In celebration of the Tim Burton MoMA exhibition, Moleskine created a limited run of (rare) custom Tim Burton weekly planners. These planners were given out to guests of MoMA during the opening events. So rare are these, that we could only find 2 in the Moleskine NYC office! But we're all about giving back, so we're going to give these away to 2 lucky Tim Burton + Moleskine fans."

If I can get my ass in gear, I'm going to enter this contest. I love Tim Burton and I love Moleskine notebooks/sketchpads, so shouldn't I do what I can to get a limited edition Tim Burton Moleskine planner? This girl says 'yes'!

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